anonymous wrote (2023-11-26 22:00:03) What am I doing wrong in life that I can't have sex with this beautiful woman. I'd ... to be this guy. Her solo video here was good but this is next level awesome. Had such fun viewing 72-75, 79, 102-106, 113, and 120. This guy has such impressive discipline and self control. I'm sure I would have lost my mind and my load within one or two thrusts. 102-106 especially would have finished me. This guy's ability to withstand these positions and then pull out is so impressive! I'd kill to be him. Instead, I have to pay for all three of AA, SB and TPS to fantasize about it. Anyway, this set is epic.
Vikinglover1969 wrote (2023-12-29 17:44:06) Cutie..nice set..good seeing that pussy spread to see pink..wasn't expecting that here a nice surprise
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